Does your child struggle with focus? Have trouble sleeping? Remembering things?
Are they exhausted and resistant to just going to school and doing homework?
Does their comprehension, ability to learn and function in every day life seem to be very different than before their injury? They are not the same kid they "used to be"?
Concussions are one of the most common injuries sustained by children and teens these days. They can occur without loss of consciousness more often than we realize. Even more so, learning, attention and behavioral problems, that were not noticed or did not exist prior to a concussion, may be evident long after the concussion is “healed”!
Research and observation show that learning and behavior challenges are a very common symptom caused by concussions.
Here are some of the common symptoms of Post Concussion Learning Problems:
Inability to concentrate and focus attention
Trouble sleeping
Moodiness, anxiety, sadness, PTSD
Difficulty performing normal everyday tasks
Language Processing Difficulties
Executive Function Disorder
Memory challenges
Impaired Comprehension
Studying without doing well on tests
and more!
The good news is that most children’s ability to learn can be restored!
I am an expert in the field of Learning Disablities with over 30 years of experience in the use of therapeutic Brain training to remediate undiagnosed and mis diagnosed Learning Disabilities.
Brain Enhancement Therapy , is a cutting edge, multi sensory rehabilitative training program for youth (and adults) struggling with post concussion learning difficulties. We will rebuild your child’s brain skills for proficient learning, and everyday life functioning.
Don’t let post concussion learning problems ruin your kids lives or their fun!
For a FREE Initial Consultation, call NOW! MaryPat Correro at 856 220 6403
To see MORE ABOUT Brain Enhancement Therapy go to this website page: http://tinyurl.com/gvlrnjc
MaryPat Correro and Joyful Family Services