21 Day Challenge:Tapping Thru Grief to Joy
Hi Everyone, MaryPat Correro here,
A few weeks ago I introduce myself to you and briefly mentioned an event that I would be creating for you in September. Well I am here today to tell you about it.
I see the pain and struggling that is occurring for parents in dealing with the death of their child, I get it, I am a parent learning to live in peaceful co existence with and learning to communicate in a new way with my daughter who is in Spirit now.
I am creating for you parents a FREE 21 day Challenge: Tapping thru Grief to Joy. It will start on Sunday Sept 11 at noon and end 21 days later on Saturday October 1, 2016.
It will take place on a live video venu called Zoom. It will be interactive and recorded so if you are unable to join us live, you can watch it at your own leisure.
Also, there will be a closed facebook group for you to participate in called Permission to Live where you can communicate with each other, ask me questions and get further support.
Upon registering for this event I will add you to the membership of the facebook group. There you will also find additional information about the process of the Challenge.
In this Challenge You will have the opportunity to:
*heal and release stuck painful emotions, that complicate grief
*free yourself from the exhaustion of feelings---it is the energy of them that is exhausting---emotions are energy in motion
*shift and clarify your thinking
*identify and changing painful limiting beliefs
*develop new self nurturing habits that you can use at any time of day
*ultimately learning how to support empower and heal your self
*because you will have a profoundly effective tool to do so!
Why 21 days?
It has been shown that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. And what you will learn will be a very powerful self nurturing tool that will benefit you in doing it daily. For me it is as important as any other self care routine in my life!
I have also seen how much growth and healing can occur in that amount of time!
If you are currently working with a psychologist, counselor or coach this process will only enhance the work you are doing with them, and actually speed up the healing process.
I and clients of mine have seen how this process works more quickly than “talk” therapy.
There is absolutely no way it will interfere or block your progress, or will be “too much” for you. The STRESS of unresolved grief from this death of your child and life in general is too much! I know you know that!
So now that I think I may have peaked your Interest…
How does this work? What will we be doing?
I will Coach you on the emotions, feelings, thoughts and beliefs you have about your child, their death, your life in general and then through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) I will help you and the other members of the Challenge to shift and release them.
Emotional Freedom Technique, also called EFT and Tapping is an energy healing modality, a form of energy psychology, founded by a Psychologist, Roger Callaghan who after a year of unsuccessful traditional psychotherapy with a client experiencing water phobia, was able to successfully heal her with Chinese meridian tapping.
He created Tapping which was further expanded by Stanford Engineer, Gary Craig into what is now known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
EFT is used worldwide by mental health professionals and Lightworkers and is proving to be profoundly successful with phobias, PTSD, and other metal health problems that have been resistant to healing with more traditional forms of Psychological treatment as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Hypno therapy. Actually EFT has enhance the effectiveness of CBT. I am living proof of this.
How do you do EFT?
Basically, in EFT we tap on the acupressure points on the face head and collarbones that are associated with and heal anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, flashbacks, phobias; in fact any of the emotions and beliefs that are interfering with you living peacefully, clearly and grounded.. I am living proof to this too. You will receive more info and a diagram after you register...
How does EFT work?
There is a body brain connection and the stress of grief is powerful and can cause chronic pain and illnesses.
Thoughts about our experiences create our beliefs which cause our feelings. They become impressed in the brain causing response patterns. These are not just about the death of our loved one but are also resulting from all of life experiences!
There is a center in the brain called the Limbic System. In it is an almond shaped gland called the Amygdala. Through the Tapping/ EFT process the amygdala is actually soothed. The fight, flight, freeze adrenalin and hormone mechanism is calmed, releasing the physical stress responses.
Besides calming the body...
the mind starts to clear, we can see things, see life with new awareness, new insights.
Possibilities arise and we experience shift not only emotionally but mentally and psychologically.
When energy is shifted we naturally can start to feel peace and contentment and start to feel joy…
As with anything good and valuable You will get from it what you put into it. I have seen this from personal experience.
This is your program. I am here as a Life Coach and EFT Specialist to support you and help you in your healing Process.
If you have any questions you can pm me on my facebook page Permission To Live or email me at marypatcorrero@outlook.com
How Do I Join?
To register for 21 Day Challenge: Tapping thru Grief To Joy, go to my website www.marypatcorrero.com where you will see a blue button on the right.
Click on that which will take you to the 21 Day Challenge:Tapping thru Grief to Joy page and at the bottom of that page is the Registration Form.
Once you register you will receive a welcome email. I will add you to the Permission To Live facebook Group where you will find plenty of information about EFT and how this event will work, a diagram with the tapping points, and the link to the Zoom Platform, a video conference venu where we will meet throughout the Challenge to work and Tap together.
WE will also have a Meet and Greet prior to the starting of the Challenge on Zoom to take care of any last minute questions and details. All of this will be recorded so if you cannot make it live, no worry.
Please pm me on my Permission To Live facebook page or send email to marypatcorrero@outlook.com
OK. Summary here:
*Go Register on www.marypatcorrero.com (blue button about event)
*Scroll to bottom of 21 Day Challenge page and fill in form and send.
*I will admit you to Permission To Live Group page. Go there and start sharing, asking questions and reading the info available to you!
*That’s It!
I will also be contacting you by Zoom video about this powerful one of a kind event! I am excited about what is possible for all of us!
Have a great day!
Love, MaryPat